• Personalized Medical Data Bank
  • Immediate Access
  • Faster Diagnosis - Better Care

TSG Global Holdings is delighted to announce its partnership with NCORD Healthcare LLC. NCORD is the innovator of the Electronic Health Record System called the “eHealthCard.”

The eHealthCard is a cloud-based technology developed in compliance with the latest American and International HITECH, HIPAA and HL7 guidelines. The eHealthCard is poised to push the boundaries of existing healthcare management systems and software by providing users a unique LIVE WIRE which would not only store an individual’s health information but also connect users to healthcare providers, advanced medical facilities and research centers globally.

The eHealthcard system has three key attributes:

  1. Carries substantial quantity of data securely in a compact and computer readable form.
  2. Ensures security and confidentiality of data epitomizing the pillars of ethical practice.
  3. Systematically connects all healthcare service providers and recipients online anytime anywhere on the ‘’Livewire’’ the subscriber of this card and respective service providers can connect round the clock to access and provide efficient, economical and speedy service and relevant information through one single point of contact.

This portable health care system will benefit:


  1. Ability to carry their virtual medical records at all times and available as desired.
  2. Enables improved healthcare, thanks to better-informed providers, and faster treatment in emergencies.
  3. Patient carries a historical data of dates, conditions, medications and treatments.
  4. Eliminates the need for unnecessary repeated tests and treatments.

Healthcare Professionals

  1. Availability of current medical data and medical background.
  2. Ability to obtain critical healthcare information about an incapacitated patient.
  3. Improved communication and information sharing among healthcare providers, physicians, hospitals, laboratories and pharmacies.
  4. Reduced administrative workload.
  5. Enables accurate data collection for research purposes, facilitating the evolution from treatment-based medicine to preventive medicine.

Healthcare Facilities

  1. Potential for significant revenue growth in terms of loyal Base Entity Configuration and other sources.
  2. Tremendous reduction of time for physician’s diagnosis and analysis.
  3. Avoids unnecessary, voluminous paperwork and other administrative overhead.
  4. Health information of all patients will be available in the hospital.
  5. Ensures hospital maintains a technological advantage in the marketplace.
  6. Eliminates unnecessary treatments, repeated procedures and tests.
  7. Reduces length of time in the Emergency Room.

Insurance Providers

  1. Faulty claims can be avoided.
  2. Better customer service.
  3. More clients, more utility.
  4. Easy claim processing.
  5. Less dependence on 3rd Party Administrator.
  6. Better reach to customers.
  7. Platform to promote additional services.


  1. A central data repository would be created which would have health care information and medical records of each and every individual of a country.
  2. The government of a country would be able to track down disease outbreak by monitoring the data repository created through the health card and avoid epidemic situations.
  3. Monthly Automatic MIS reports can be generated from all the healthcare facilities in the country to assist in the management and planning of health programs.
  4. Citizens of a nation would be benefited through seamless health data availability and medical connectivity anywhere, anytime and most importantly during any critical medical emergencies.
  5. The eHealthcard can be customized to include government subsidies and grants on various health care related products like crucial vaccines, medicines etc, so that every individual gains from the reforms laid down by the government.


NCORD Healthcare LLC, USA is one of the most efficient, competitive and accountable healthcare service providers in the world. NCORD uploads, stores and preserves health records electronically. An individual or institution can download medical records at anytime and anywhere around the globe. Medical information is available to the individual and their healthcare service provider in normal and/or during emergency medical situations, which enables quicker and accurate diagnosis resulting ultimately in better medical care.

NCORD’s vision is to create a “Livewire” that connects doctors, patients, hospitals, scientists, research institutes, insurance providers, and other health care participants and to generate a sea-of-change to the current health care system.